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Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts Using These 7 Simple Tips

Learning how to write SEO friendly blog posts is a skill that can be learned fairly quickly

Obviously you need to be a good writer to begin with and be able to present your information in a way that makes it easy for your audience to understand. Using formatting such as headings, sub-headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs help to make your content easy to digest.
When you create content that your audience understands and receives value from they are more likely to share it on social media, which helps to introduce your content and brand to a whole new audience. Think about it for a minute — create great content and people will be willing to promote it for your for free. This can result in more inbound links and increased rankings in the organic search results.
Writing blog content for your blog requires that you understand how to create content that will engage your audience as well as gel with the search engines. Now, a lot of people take this the wrong way and stuff their blog content full of keywords and it really ruins the readability and quality of the content. There is a way to make your content search engine optimization friendly while still keeping 100% of your focus on creating content that provides a value to your reader.

Use the following 10 tips to create awesome blog content that your readers will love while still keeping it SEO friendly in the process. Natural writers are able to just sit down are the ideas flow, creating a great piece of content. Others often need some help and guidance, so use these following tips if you fall into that category.

1. Determine What Your Post Will Solve You will want to first think of what your blog post is going to help solve. What is the purpose of the content — are you solving a problem or providing help? You also have to establish what your goal is, conversion wise, for the post. Do you want to direct your reader to another page on your website after they read the content? Are you trying to get them to make a purchase on your website? Are you trying to convert them into a lead? You must identify this before you even start writing.

2. Create an Outline Before you start typing away you need to make sure that you have a nice outline laid out and ready to follow. This is where you address the key points, which will be your headings, sub-headings, and bullet points. Once you have this all structured you basically just have to fill in each section. This not only helps you create content faster, but it ensures your blog post has correct structure before you start.

3. Break Up Your Content Break up your content into small paragraphs that are easy to absorb. Long and drawn out paragraphs are difficult to read for some and you will lose their interest. Small pieces of information perform much better and it is also more visually appealing. Each paragraph should have a main point, which you address.

4. Use Descriptive Headings and sub-headings are a great way to address key points and introduce new pieces of information, but they also serve another purpose. Many of your website visitors aren’t going to read every word in a blog post. They will skim through it quickly and if your headings and sub-headings are descriptive they will understand your post and the point you are attempting to make even if they just skim through it.

Proof Read. & Then Proof Read Again Before you publish your content you need to proof read it. You should also have two to three other people read it to make sure that they understand the main point of the post. Having someone else proof your content will also help point out any grammatical errors that you overlooked. It is always a good idea to get a couple of sets of eyes on it before putting it out there for the world to see.

Don’t Keyword Stuff Back in the day most blog content was created around a formula of inserting the target keyword into the content a specific number of times. It was referred to as keyword density and depending on whom you talked to that number ranged from 2-5%. Now, if you use your keyword in the heading and place it within the content a couple of times you are fine. Now, this is only if it makes sense and can be used without ruining the quality of your post.

7. Install WordPress SEO There are several SEO plugins that can help you craft your posts in a SEO friendly manner. Personally, we recommend WordPress SEO because it is very thorough and simple to use. Remember that these plugins will just help you with some basic SEO and make suggestions accordingly. They aren’t the answer to all of your ranking questions, but they do provide some nice guidance, especially those new to SEO.

SEO is always evolving and the “old” way of creating content will slap your website with a Google penalty. High quality content that your readers see a value in will receive more Facebook likes and shares, Twitter tweets, and repeat visitors. Use the tips mentioned to make your content more SEO friendly, but remember to always focus on publishing great content.

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